Sunday, 24 April 2016


You deserve nothing less
Than extraordinary;
Do not settle for
Mediocre; just because it’s there
Do not settle for
Anything less than
Amazing; just because you can.
You are worth the universe,
Do not give in to stars and praises.
Compliments and galaxies
Are nothing but words and constellations
Compared to you.
You are beautiful,
A wreckage of hurt and bruises and wounds
Yet you still shine
You are beautiful.
Meteor showers and comets
Are incredibly stunning
But you
You are a shooting star
You are a reckless blazing fire
Do not dim your light
To accustom to their darkness. 
There are galaxies in your veins
So don’t you ever try to tear them apart
You do not deserve to hurt yourself
You will never bleed yourself dry
I won’t let you.
He can be a gorgeous mess,
Everything that you’ve ever wanted,
Desired, hoped for and dreamed of,
But he is not Zeus,
No matter how god-like you think he is;
And he is not worth it.
Until the day he crosses the universe for you,
Climbs the stars and voyages galaxies
To fashion a smile out of lightning on your face,
He is and he will never be worth it.
He is but a boy
And you do not deserve
To cry your heart out over him.
Do not tear yourself apart
To keep him whole
I forbid your universe to crumble
Should he ever leave you.
I did not give up on you
So you would end up with boys like him.
He will never steal the stars for you
Because he’s too fixated on asteroids
To realize that you are too good for him.
I defied space for you
Because you were my universe.
Do not fall in love with him
For hanging the sun in the sky,
Because I know that you love the rain more.
Do not fall in love with a boy
Who only sees you as another castaway
To add to his collection of broken stardust
One day you’ll find a boy
Who would walk the surface of the universe
A million times over
Just to be with you.
And until that day comes,
Do not settle 
For anything less 
Than extraordinary.

note: this piece was inspired by Spacewalker on the 100. 

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Bruises (or alternatively, Things I'll Never Say)

You hurt me,
With your sickening lies
Your icy indifference
Your pathetic excuses,
Your half-hearted apologies,
I apologize for forgiving you.

You delighted me,
With anxiety attacks,
Sleepless nights,
I was drowning in paranoia
And the tremors traumatized my heart
I was waiting for you to save me.

You confused me,
With your kind words
Laced with double meanings
I choked to death
Swallowing down my hidden feelings
I compromised my happiness for you.

You touched me,
With your compelling warmth
I trusted you with my snowflake heart
You crushed it in your palms
And it melted apart
I wanted you to be delicate.

I wanted you
To prove me wrong
That not everyone lies
When they make promises
That I could place my trust in you
Without the aftermath of crippling regret.

You proved me right
That I cannot trust anyone
With this fragile heart
And disorientated mind
Who could love such a disaster?
I was selfish for needing you.

I remember falling down
Scrapped knees and scratched palms,
Tiny rocks imbedded in flesh
I picked myself up and brushed off the gravel
I was determined to learn the hard way.

I remember falling in love,
Misguided heart and misplaced trust,
Tiny wounds imbedded in flesh
I picked myself up and brushed off the pain
I was determined not to fall apart.

When you first get a bruise,
It doesn’t seem to hurt much,
It only stings against your touch
Bruises are ugly and hurtful
But bruises of a broken heart
Are even more so awful.

When someone tells you that you hurt them,
You don’t get to decide that you didn’t,
I was bleeding and bruising
And you tore apart the bandages
Like the appendages of my heart
I will not shed any more blood for you.

You remain oblivious
To the hurt that you have caused
I stitched up my heart and stifled away my misery
As long as I’m smiling it means you’re forgiven
But the bruises you’ve given me 
Were made with your volition.

You bruised me,
And although bruises can be pretty
I never should have allowed you to touch me
Pretty is ugly when you’re broken and falling apart
Pretty is not an excuse for breaking my fucking heart.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Fault Lines

The first thing we had in common
Was, ironically, heartbreak
Maybe I was your rebound,
Or maybe you were mine,
We were bound to end in heartbreak
Predestined to fall apart
In the end we're all fault lines;
If only I'd remembered at the start.

The culprit of all heartbreaks is wishful thinking
And for so long I had wished
That you felt the same way about me
But just because you wish for something
It doesn’t mean your wish comes true
It just means that wishbones break
Just as easily as the human heart;
And sometimes pain is needed for art.

It’s my fault for falling in love with you.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Attachments (or alternatively, Paper People)

People always say
Don’t get too attached
The price of heartbreak is costly,
To be frugal is to be invulnerable.

“Don’t get too attached,”
As if attachments are mere paper
And you and I are mere paper people
With fragile paper hearts.

I will give every inch
Of this pathetic paper heart to you
Despite your paper shredding fingertips,
Violence can be disguised with delicacy.

“You get attached too easily,”
Perhaps you should know that
Paper attachments are never permanent
The only permanence is the pain of detachment.

I will give myself entirely,
Slit my arms that bleed blood
That runs with nothing but love for you
Nothing more than a paper cut to my paper heart.

“If they’re worth it, they’ll come back,”
But if no one comes back,
Does that mean I’m not worth it?
Perhaps I am but a mere paper person.

The thing about paper people
Despite being fragile and pathetic
Is that they are all attached to one another
Precisely because paper gets attached easily.

“I will always forgive,
because I’m afraid they won’t come back,”
After all, if there is something a paper person lacks,
It’s reassurance to all their constant anxiety attacks.

It’s easy to attach paper
Even easier to attach a paper heart
Promise me that if I get attached
Spare me the apology for tearing my heart apart. 

Monday, 4 April 2016


There once was a girl
Who stitched her heart upon her sleeve,
Only to have it ripped apart at the seams
For betrayal hurts much more than you believe.

There once was a girl
Who was always taken for granted,
Try as she might her naivety
Blinded her from the lies she thought were enchanted.

There once was a girl
Who saw the world in his compelling eyes,
Enamoured by his charms
For him her happiness she willingly compromised.

There once was a girl
Who trusted a boy like no other,
Oblivious to his wickedness
She fell for his lies one after another.

There once was a girl
Who believed a boy when he said,
"You're one in a million,"
Perhaps she had let it all go to her head.

There once was a boy
Who knew how best to toy
With the hearts of girls
So easy to destroy.

There once was a boy
Who sequined sugar sweet lies
And armored his heart indifferent to the cries
Of all the girls whose hearts he had desensitized.

There was once a girl
Who swore she loved the boy
Who swore he would never hurt her
How could such treachery occur?

You see treachery as a tragedy
She sees it as clarity
To the lies that were once her reality
That his love for her was cruel in actuality.